Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad News Ben

Well, I read this on TMZ earlier in the day and was hoping it was just a rumor, but once again Ben is being accused of sexual assault. This time it is a 20 year old in Milledgeville, Georgia. I didn't post it immediately after reading it hoping it was just a rumor. But, now it is in the Post-Gazette also. This is just another distraction the Pittsburgh Steelers don't need. Stay tuned for the continuing story of How Ben Roethlisberger Turns. Hope it's not true. The Pittsburgh Steelers will not put up with this crap.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Pittsburgh Steelers Biggest Need

Although it is a very small sampling 3 out of 5 responders to the latest poll believe the Pittsburgh Steelers biggest need is that of depth at Safety which is a little ambiguous I suppose. Does that mean they need to make sure everyone is healthy and has a successful offseason program along with the resigning of Clark or does that mean they need ot acquire another quality safety. I think the Pittsburgh Steelers need to take the best safety available in the second round. Yeah, I know Troy was a first round pick. But, that is unusual to take a safety in the first round and Troy definitely has proven to be a very special player. A definite franchise type player.

Top 5 in the draft