Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad News Ben

Well, I read this on TMZ earlier in the day and was hoping it was just a rumor, but once again Ben is being accused of sexual assault. This time it is a 20 year old in Milledgeville, Georgia. I didn't post it immediately after reading it hoping it was just a rumor. But, now it is in the Post-Gazette also. This is just another distraction the Pittsburgh Steelers don't need. Stay tuned for the continuing story of How Ben Roethlisberger Turns. Hope it's not true. The Pittsburgh Steelers will not put up with this crap.


  1. I saw that on the news at work this morning...this is REDICULOUS!!! Either we have a couple of FLOOZIES who think they can get some free money by making Ben look bad, OR Ben is not the nice guy everyone thinks he is. Either way I want it resolved I just hope that Ben didn't do this. This is just one more step that we have to climb to get Ring 7. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


  2. There's a saying Ben needs to understand, nothing good happens after 12 am. Or just to be safe in Ben's case make it 11 PM.


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