Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oh, Ohlendorf

Ross Ohlendorf finished his first year with the Pirates at 11-10. As the optimist, it's another reason the Pirates have to look forward to next season. Ohlendorf, ended up as the Pirates most reliable starter and had some pretty good numbers on this young team

Here's a breakdown of his starts over the season.
29 Starts
Earned Runs per start
0-2 Runs - 14 times
3-4 Runs - 10 times
5+ - 5 times

That tells me that in 14 starts he put the Pirates in a position to win the game. It also tells me that if he was playing for a team with a decent offense he would have put that team in a position to win in 24 games and only in 5 games did he give up 5 or more runs. If all the Pirates Pitchers would have pitched that well I think we would have been looking at at least a .500 season. I'm looking for good things to come from Ohlendorf. There's no reason to put him out there any more this season and risk injury. He's shown what he can do.

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